“The Warrior Women Project: An Open-access Critical and Teaching Edition of Dianne Dugaw’s‘Warrior Women’ Ballads.” The Eighteenth-Century Common (11 November 2023) (1,443 words)
“The Lady’s Museum Project: An Open-Access Critical and Teaching Edition of Charlotte Lennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61)”“The Lady’s Museum Project: An Open-Access Critical and Teaching Edition of Charlotte Lennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61)”
“The Lady’s Museum Project: An Open-access Critical and Teaching Edition of CharlotteLennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61).” The Eighteenth-Century Common (12 November 2023)(2,235 words)

Bear River Review, 2023: “Sunday Morning”Bear River Review, 2023: “Sunday Morning”
This essay was published in the 2023 issue of the Bear River Review. The Gray Lady folds over the craftsman armchair aside my pretzeled legs: printed letters, curated words. Chopped
“A Numerous and Powerful Generation of Triflers”: The Social Edition as Counterpublic in Charlotte Lennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61) and the Lady’s Museum Project (2021–)“A Numerous and Powerful Generation of Triflers”: The Social Edition as Counterpublic in Charlotte Lennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61) and the Lady’s Museum Project (2021–)
Kelly Plante and Karenza Sutton-Bennett. “‘A Numerous and Powerful Generation of Triflers’: The Social Edition as Counterpublic in Charlotte Lennox’s the Lady’s Museum (1760–61) and the Lady’s Museum Project (2021–).”

Continuing to #WriteWithAphra: A Year of Collegiality and CompassionContinuing to #WriteWithAphra: A Year of Collegiality and Compassion
Ashley Bender, Daniella Berman, Jenny Factor, Elizabeth Giardina, Catherine Keohane, Bénédicte Miyamoto, Kelly J. Plante, Elizabeth Porter, Bethany E. Qualls, Susannah B. Sanford, Karenza Sutton-Bennett. “Continuing to #WriteWithAphra: A Year

The Lady’s Museum ProjectThe Lady’s Museum Project
Karenza Sutton-Bennett and I serve as General Editors for the digital critical edition and learning community in-progress, The Lady’s Museum Project, at ladysmuseum.com.
The Lady’s Museum Project: A Digital Critical Edition in Phase 1 of Its Development, Now Available for Teachers and Students to Learn Collaboratively through Charlotte Lennox’s Lady’s Museum (1760-61)The Lady’s Museum Project: A Digital Critical Edition in Phase 1 of Its Development, Now Available for Teachers and Students to Learn Collaboratively through Charlotte Lennox’s Lady’s Museum (1760-61)
“The Lady’s Museum Project: A Digital Critical Edition in Phase 1 of Its Development, Now Available for Teachers and Students to Learn Collaboratively through Charlotte Lennox’s Lady’s Museum (1760-61).” Aphra

The Secret History of Creative NonfictionThe Secret History of Creative Nonfiction
A tour of pioneering women writers whom literary critics conveniently “forgot” Issue 76 / Exploring an Expanding Genre / Creative Nonfiction Magazine

Review: Writing and Constructing the Self in Great Britain in the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. John Baker, Marion Leclair, and Allan IngramReview: Writing and Constructing the Self in Great Britain in the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. John Baker, Marion Leclair, and Allan Ingram
Review: Writing and Constructing the Self in Great Britain in the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. John Baker, Marion Leclair, and Allan Ingram. ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts,

The Poetry of Gertrude More: Piety and Politics in a Benedictine ConventThe Poetry of Gertrude More: Piety and Politics in a Benedictine Convent
Jaime Goodrich and I served as General Editors for the digital critical edition, The Poetry of Gertrude More: Piety and Politics in a Benedictine Convent.

The Warrior Women ProjectThe Warrior Women Project
I served as the Project Manager for The Warrior Women Project, a digital critical edition of the 113 “warrior women” early English broadside ballads, first unearthed and cataloged by Professor

“The Mad Exploit She Had Undertaken”: A Critical Edition of Eliza Haywood’s The Female Spectator Book 14, Letter 1“The Mad Exploit She Had Undertaken”: A Critical Edition of Eliza Haywood’s The Female Spectator Book 14, Letter 1
Link to the Edition on The Warrior Women Project at Wayne State The story of the so-called “Aliena” appearing in the third of Eliza Haywood’s four-volume The Female Spectator—largely considered the

The Story of the Warrior Women Project: Using Technology to Connect Intersectionality and Digital Humanities Theory and Praxis.The Story of the Warrior Women Project: Using Technology to Connect Intersectionality and Digital Humanities Theory and Praxis.
Link to Essay at The Warrior Women Project Abstract: Digitized early English broadside ballads are widely available copyright-free, indexed and searchable complete with high-resolution images of their signature woodcut illustrations,

Marketing Empire: Military and Companionate Marriage Recruitment in Early English, “Warrior Women” Broadside BalladsMarketing Empire: Military and Companionate Marriage Recruitment in Early English, “Warrior Women” Broadside Ballads
Link to Essay at The Warrior Women Project Abstract: Early English broadside ballads are frequently seen as an entryway into the life of the typical commoner, into the mainstream popular

“An Undisputed Right to this Offering”: A Critical Edition of Eliza Haywood’s Dedicatory Epistle of The Female Spectator to Juliana Colyear, Duchess of Leeds“An Undisputed Right to this Offering”: A Critical Edition of Eliza Haywood’s Dedicatory Epistle of The Female Spectator to Juliana Colyear, Duchess of Leeds
This free edition is part of my project to make portions of Haywood’s historically significant periodical (it is widely considered the first periodical by a woman for women) glossed and

The Story of the Warrior Women Project: Connecting Intersectionality and Digital Humanities Theory and PraxisThe Story of the Warrior Women Project: Connecting Intersectionality and Digital Humanities Theory and Praxis
“The Story of the Warrior Women Project: Connecting Intersectionality and Digital Humanities Theory and Praxis.” The Warrior Women Project (June 2020)

Marketing Empire: Military and Companionate Marriage Recruitment in Early English, ‘Warrior Women’ Broadside BalladsMarketing Empire: Military and Companionate Marriage Recruitment in Early English, ‘Warrior Women’ Broadside Ballads
“Marketing Empire: Military and Companionate Marriage Recruitment in Early English, ‘Warrior Women’ Broadside Ballads.” The Warrior Women Project (June 2020)

Review: Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. VolzReview: Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. Volz
Review: Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. Volz. Eighteenth Century Fiction (Spring 2020)

Bear River Review, 2020: “Psalm 139”Bear River Review, 2020: “Psalm 139”
This essay was published in the 2020 issue of the Bear River Review. “Psalm 139” also placed second in the 2020 Oakland University literary nonfiction contest, alumni category. My son

ECF, Spring 2020: “Book Review: Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. Volz”ECF, Spring 2020: “Book Review: Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. Volz”
My review of Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Jessica A. Volz [Anthem Press, 2017. 252pp. ISBN 978-1783086603] will appear in the Spring 2020 issue

Module in Support of Folger Shakespeare Grant on WSU Library website: “Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King Lear to Undergraduates: Philosophy”Module in Support of Folger Shakespeare Grant on WSU Library website: “Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King Lear to Undergraduates: Philosophy”
I co-developed the Going Beyond Lear: Philosophy and Hamlet module with two colleagues and our professor, which was published on the Wayne State University website, Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King

Prometheus Dreaming, June 2020: “Digging with Wolves”Prometheus Dreaming, June 2020: “Digging with Wolves”
This essay was originally published in Prometheus Dreaming in 2020. The below, edited version was published in the Bear River Review in 2021. Her left paw, then right paw, rear-paw

Bear River Review, 2019: “My Toenail, Myself”Bear River Review, 2019: “My Toenail, Myself”
This essay was published in the 2019 issue of the Bear River Review. “My Toenail, Myself” also received an honorable mention in the 2019 Oakland University Literary Nonfiction Alumni Contest.

Bear River Review, 2018: “Boundaryless”Bear River Review, 2018: “Boundaryless”
This essay was published in the 2018 issue of the Bear River Review. I stand at the edge of Kathmandu’s Thabahi Road as if before the banks of a tumultuous

Oakland University Literary Nonfiction Contest, 2018: “The Legend of Pamela: Or, ‘Oh the Sword! The Sword!'”Oakland University Literary Nonfiction Contest, 2018: “The Legend of Pamela: Or, ‘Oh the Sword! The Sword!'”
Emerging victorious after conquering the first bosses presented in Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded, the Would-Be Ravishing Rake Mr. B. and his servant, “do as I’m told” Beastly Mrs. Jewkes, by marrying then subduing

PS Magazine, Dec. 2017: “Use the RIGHT Software Version”PS Magazine, Dec. 2017: “Use the RIGHT Software Version”
This article appeared in the December 2017 issue of PS Magazine, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly. Published by the ASC (Army Strategic Command), PS Magazine has communicated preventive maintenance methods, illustrated

PS Magazine, Sept. 2017: “Which Software Versions for Which Machines?”PS Magazine, Sept. 2017: “Which Software Versions for Which Machines?”
This article appeared in the September 2017 issue of PS Magazine, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly. Published by the ASC (Army Strategic Command), PS Magazine has communicated proper preventive maintenance methods,

PS Magazine, Dec. 2016: “Get EMS NG Customer Support”PS Magazine, Dec. 2016: “Get EMS NG Customer Support”
This article appeared in the December 2016 issue of PS Magazine, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly. Published by the ASC (Army Strategic Command), PS Magazine has communicated preventive maintenance methods, illustrated

Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Diagnostics Technical Manuals for the USMC Light Armored Vehicle Systems, 2014-2016Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Diagnostics Technical Manuals for the USMC Light Armored Vehicle Systems, 2014-2016
From November 2014 to 2016, as publisher & manager for the U.S. Marine Corps Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) technical publications, I tracked/scheduled project updates from assignment to completion. I used

AFAR Magazine, Aug./Sept. 2013: “Time Travel to Jazz Age Detroit”AFAR Magazine, Aug./Sept. 2013: “Time Travel to Jazz Age Detroit”
AFAR Magazine selected “Time Travel to Jazz Age Detroit” for an August/September 2013 special issue. Cafe D’Mongo’s Speakeasy, a tarnished gem hiding in plain sight in Downtown Detroit, encapsulates stylish

Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Diagnostics Technical Manuals for U.S. Military Vehicles, 2012-2014Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Diagnostics Technical Manuals for U.S. Military Vehicles, 2012-2014
From November 2012 to November 2014, as lead publishing specialist for the Electronic Maintenance System publishing program, I developed & coordinated support plans to create, publish, distribute & manage interactive

Managing Editor, The EMS Insider monthly newsletter, 2012-2014Managing Editor, The EMS Insider monthly newsletter, 2012-2014
During my service from 2012 to 2014 as the assistant product manager for Electronic Maintenance publishing software used by the U.S. Army and other Department of Defense components, I served

Real Detroit Weekly: “Rosie Thomas: Sing, Laugh, Love…Then Get Knocked Up”Real Detroit Weekly: “Rosie Thomas: Sing, Laugh, Love…Then Get Knocked Up”
This article is cited on Thomas’s Wikipedia page and it appeared in the December 2, 2008 issue of Real Detroit Weekly, which now is rolled into the Detroit Metrotimes.

Real Detroit Weekly: “Davide Squillace with Dubfire in the D”Real Detroit Weekly: “Davide Squillace with Dubfire in the D”
This article appeared in the Nov. 19-25, 2008 issue of Real Detroit Weekly, which is now rolled into the Detroit Metrotimes.

Real Detroit Weekly: “The Westin Book Cadillac: A Room with a View”Real Detroit Weekly: “The Westin Book Cadillac: A Room with a View”
This article appeared in the Nov. 5-11, 2008 issue of Real Detroit Weekly, which is now rolled into the Detroit Metrotimes

Real Detroit Weekly: “The Power of Pagans: Into the Mystic”Real Detroit Weekly: “The Power of Pagans: Into the Mystic”
This article appeared in the Oct. 22-28, 2008 issue of Real Detroit Weekly

Real Detroit Weekly: “Michigan Paranormal Encounters: I Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghost”Real Detroit Weekly: “Michigan Paranormal Encounters: I Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghost”
This article appeared in the Oct. 22-28, 2008 issue of Real Detroit Weekly, which is now folded into the Detroit Metrotimes.

Oakland University Honors College Newsletter, Echo Cognitio, April 2008: “Shakespeare Behind Bars”Oakland University Honors College Newsletter, Echo Cognitio, April 2008: “Shakespeare Behind Bars”
This article appeared in the April 2008 issue of Echo Cognitio, the Oakland University Honors College newsletter.

The Oakland Press’s Suburban Lifestyles weekly: “Professors Published in Health Journals”The Oakland Press’s Suburban Lifestyles weekly: “Professors Published in Health Journals”
This article was published in the March 3, 2008 issue of Suburban Lifestyles Community Newspaper by The Oakland Press.

The Oakland Press’s Suburban Lifestyles weekly: “The Meaning of Words” columnThe Oakland Press’s Suburban Lifestyles weekly: “The Meaning of Words” column
This article appeared in the Feb. 25, 2008 issue of Suburban Lifestyles Community Newspaper by The Oakland Press.