Kelly Plante, PhD Digital Humanities Module in Support of Folger Shakespeare Grant on WSU Library website: “Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King Lear to Undergraduates: Philosophy”

Module in Support of Folger Shakespeare Grant on WSU Library website: “Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King Lear to Undergraduates: Philosophy”

I co-developed the Going Beyond Lear: Philosophy and Hamlet module with two colleagues and our professor, which was published on the Wayne State University website, Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching King Lear to Undergraduates: Philosophy for The Folger Shakespeare Library’s “Teaching Shakespeare to Undergraduates” grant. The module includes four activities, two assignments (traditional and creative), and a service learning activity. 

Additional lesson plans I wrote as approaches to teaching Shakespeare are collated on my blog.

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